What is Arjybeasts?

The name "Arjybeasts" translated from Harry-lect to English is "RGB Beasts". It's a turn-based RPG roguelike game where the main idea is that the RGB values of each character dictate its stats. 

Red = Attack

Green = Defence

Blue = Accuracy

You use your pixels in combination with various colour-based abilities to strategically plan your victory. 

What's the premise?

You play the game from the perspective of a younger brother using the older brother's PC to draw some silly pictures. One day, you receive a message from your mean brother demanding that you install "Rabid Dog Simulator". 

However, despite your best efforts, you don't have enough space to download it. "He's gonna be pissed", you think. After deliberating on the things your brother may or may not do to you, you decide to delete all of the silly drawings you did on MicroSock Pant

Okay, but what's the game?

If your Arjybeast is deleted, you must start again with a new one.

What are the battles like?

What are abilities?

Abilities are single actions that you use to gain an advantage during a battle. 

You choose your ability after choosing your pixel. 

Abilities trigger at different times but mostly at the start of the attack phase.

Some abilities cause an effect that lasts multiple turns

Abilities have cooldowns to stop players using them every turn. Cooldowns may vary.


Local AND Online multiplayer!

Draw, Store and Equip!

Face Off!